Saturday, November 20, 2010

NPR Science Friday: Kinect Technology

MP3/Podcast link on the Left.


Shannon Loftis
Studio Manager, Microsoft Game Studios
Good Science Studio
Redmond, Washington

Alex Kipman
Director of Incubation, Xbox
Redmond, Washington

Katherine Isbister
Professor, Computer Science and Digital Media
New York University's Polytechnic Institute
Brooklyn, New York

Monday, November 1, 2010

Here is another mockup website that people could try out. I think ultimately you have to pay for it, but I believe there's a trial version that we could probably use for our class.

Monday, October 11, 2010


On Wednesday, students should attend the following lecture which is scheduled for our course meeting time instead of coming to class. cozzens.pdf

You should then write up and submit a summary of the personal and social impact of the persuasive technologies discussed. Submit to the class store before class time on Monday, Oct. 18th.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mockup Creation

Here's a great website for creating wireframe mockups. It's called mockingbird. Try it out!